Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Readers,

Do you remember when you met that guy/girl who seemed to have everything you wanted? Almost the perfect 10 according to your guidelines: Good looking , charming, hard worker, makes you laugh, put butterflies in your stomach, cute, beautiful, and just seemed like the perfect person you were waiting on? Then as time goes one you realize that things were not taking the right direction and you started clinging to the relationship usually because you have given him all of you: your emotions/heart and your most precious gift, your body. And when it is finally over, your are left to deal with the broken pieces of  your heart, insecurities, lack of trust, and emptiness. But people tell you to hang in there, to keep trying as the "right one" may be around the corner . But how much of your heart will be left by the time you finally get to "The One"? After your heart have been torn apart into pieces every time you come out of a relationship, what would you have left to share with your husband/wife?

Sounds weird when you put it like that but this is exactly  what society teaches us to do these days. Dating by trials and errors until you find your future husband. And when you choose a different path, you get bombarded with questions like: well, how are you going to meet the one without dating around? I got that question so many times and didn't know or wasn't sure about the answer but now I know: through the guidance and leadership of my heavenly father, he will bring my future husband to pass in his own time and terms.Sounds stupid right? But Christians, God call us to walk in faith and by his design and that all things and desires of our heart shall be provided to us by him! Why can't we apply this to the journey to meet our future husband/wife?

Dating around  is bad especially for girls as once they are emotionally involved with a guy giving our bodies away down the line is not far fetched. For girls deep emotion connection will come with sexual activities which is not necessarily true for guys. Men can just have SEX, but when women do the same,they almost always end up emotionally involved.So dating around is giving ourselves away pieces by pieces each time to the wrong people and when it doesn't work, we just have to break it off .Sounds familiar? yes, it is called " the rehearsal of divorce". So by the time we actually find the one and things get little tough in the marriage, we apply our expert skills: we leave.

What does it mean to wait on God? Waiting on God means hearing and sensing God moving your heart toward that person on his own schedule.I have heart multiple stories where people waited on God to write their love stories and may you be aware that He always delivers beyond expectations! Once you find that person you can engage in courtship/dating, then move to the next step of commitment: marriage without the emotional baggage that we acquire from past relationships.

So wait, stay single even when people  think well you are wasting your life and something is wrong with you. Renew your mind to the idea of  keeping something special for my future husband by preserving myself and not cheating on him by dating around now.Marriage is very important to God and can be heaven on earth with the right people operating under the guidelines of God.

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